Bodily Assumption of Mary is the Roman Catholic teaching that Mary, the mother
of Jesus, was bodily assumed into Heaven.
"Finally the
Immaculate Virgin, preserved free from all stain of original sin, when the
course of her earthly life was finished, was taken up body and soul into
heavenly glory, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she
might be the more fully conformed to her Son, the Lord of lords and conqueror
of sin and death."
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is a singular participation in her Son's
Resurrection and an anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians."
is a Roman Catholic dogma,
which means it is a required and essential teaching that must be believed by
all Roman Catholics.
"the Blessed
Virgin Mary's bodily Assumption into heaven --which
surely no faculty of the human mind could know by its own natural powers, as far
as the heavenly glorification of the virginal body of the loving Mother of God
is concerned--is a truth that has been revealed by God and consequently
something that must be firmly and
faithfully believed by all children of the Church."
Roman Catholics maintain that Mary physically died and was then assumed bodily
into Heaven while others teach that she did not experience death at all.
consensus seems to be that Mary died but that her body did not see corruption
and was instead assumed into Heaven.
Consider this quote from the Vatican
website which strongly implies that she died.
in the glorious destiny of the body and soul of the Lord's Mother after her
death spread very rapidly from East to West.
the day, year, and manner of Our Lady's death, nothing certain is known."
such a supremely important dogma of the Church that must be believed to be a
faithful Christian, one would think that it would be found in God's Inspired
Word, the Bible. But, it is not.
There isn't a single mention in God's
Vatican admits as much:
New Testament does not explictly affirm Mary’s Assumption," (General
Audience, #3, Pope John Paul II, vatican.va/holy_father /john_paul_ii/audiences/1997/documents/hf_jp-ii_aud_02071997
_ n.html)
if it isn't in the Bible, where did the Roman Catholic church get this
the doctrine of the Assumption of Mary is not found in the Bible, it must be
derived from what Roman Catholicism calls Sacred Tradition--the
oral tradition handed down from the apostles that is equal in authority to the
the first few hundred years of "tradition" make no mention whatsoever
of the bodily assumption of Mary. In fact, we find contradictory evidence in
Early Church Tradition.
Roman Catholic scholar, Michael O'Carroll, explains that Epiphanius (4th
Century), a Church Father, gives the earliest mention of anything concerning
the end of Mary's Life when he says regarding Epiphanius' mention of Mary in
A.D. 377,
"In a later passage, he [Epiphanius]
says that she [Mary] may have died and been buried, or been killed--as a
martyr. 'Or she remained alive, since nothing is impossible with God and he can
do whatever he desires; for her end no one knows.'"
In light
of this evidence, it is obvious that the Roman Catholic dogma of the Assumption
of Mary has no early attestation.
In fact,
the first reasonable mention, according to the Roman Catholic Church, is found
in St. John Damascene who lived in the 700's. This is a blatantly obvious
historical (not to mention Biblical) vacuum concerning Mary's Assumption.
such a dogma, such an all-important essential of the Christian church, would
have been mentioned by at least some of the Church Fathers within the first few
centuries. But, it wasn't.
Because it was not taught, and it is not a true doctrine of Christianity.
1. If The Bodily Assumption of Mary
is a dogma, why is it not found in any of the early church Father's writings
until St. John of Damascene in the 8th
2. If The Bodily Assumption of Mary
is a dogma, why does the early church
father Epiphanius say that regarding the end of her earthly life, that no one knows what happened to Mary?
3. Romans
6:23 says the wages of sin is death, and 1
Cor. 15:56 says that
"The sting of death is sin, and the
power of sin is the law."
If Mary
was sinless, why did she die?
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