Yvonne I. Wilson
Many are walking in disobedience today simply
because they missed the instructions given, they did not understand what was communicated
or they understood but chose not to follow the plan.
God speaks clearly to us in many ways.
He whispers and when He has to He shouts to
give us instructions and principles that we must follow in order to get through
life according to His standard.
What God says to us comes through:

His Son Jesus Christ. In the
past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in
various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he
appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. Hebrews
His Spirit. God’s
Spirit lives inside of us and He speaks through our conscience helping us to
understand and make the right decision. [John 14:17; 1
Corinthians 3:16]
His prophets. Hebrews
Other believers. God
speaks to us through other believers such as a friend, teacher, parent or
preacher and it is up to us whether we want to listen and follow what He says o
we can choose to ignore Him. [James 3:17]
There was a time God spoke through a donkey, and that is
enough to tell us He will use whoever and whatever He has to in order to get to
us. [Numbers 22:28]
Our circumstances. God uses
circumstances as a means to get our attention and also to test faith. Through
His servant Moses, God used plagues (circumstances) to convince the leader of
Egypt to let God’s people go free from slavery. But Pharaoh would not listen.
Whatever those situations may be, God will confirm His word.
Through prayer. Just as
we do not know what to pray and it is the Holy Spirit who intercedes on our
behalf through our wordless groans, so it is that God speaks to us in our
prayer time through His Spirit. (Romans 8:26-27)
Are you experiencing difficulty hearing God’s
voice and obeying Him? Do you hear but constantly doubt what He says
you should
Pray this prayer of faith and witness a move
of God in your life.
A Prayer of Faith to Help Us to Listen, Hear God’s
Voice and to Be Obedient
“Father we
come to You today in the Name of Jesus. All praise, glory and honor we give to You.
We thank You for this new day and for clothing us in our right minds. Father
God thank You for new mercy and grace and guide us by Your Holy Spirit.
“Remove every stumbling block and everything
that is hindering us from hearing You. Forgive us for our sins and cleanse us
from all unrighteous thoughts and every unholy way of living. Help us to be
good students of Your Word. Help us to be good listeners to Your Word and as we
listen that we hear what You are saying because faith comes by hearing, and
hearing by Your Word.
“We thank You that faith is increasing in us
daily for without faith it is impossible to please You. We thank You for Your
Son Jesus Christ Who is the author and finisher of our faith and Who for the
joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despised the shame, and is now
seated at Your right hand upon Your throne.
“Help us to run with patience each day, to
hold fast the confession of our faith that when we speak according to Your Word
and Your promises for our lives, we receive the manifestation of it in our due
“Thank You for mountain moving faith that
removes all hindrances and spiritual opposition, and faith to command mountains
to be removed and go from before us.
“We understand through Your Word that nothing
is impossible with You. Thank You Lord that even when our faith in You is tried
by fire, we would come through the fire victoriously – as pure gold!
“We thank You that through Your Word, we are
sober in our mind, that we diligently gird ourselves daily with the armour of
faith so that we will withstand in Jesus Name, Amen.
Gerrit Gustafson
Robert Gay
If I have found favor
In your eyes
Teach me your ways
Teach me your ways
That I may be pleasing
In your sight
Teach me your ways
Teach me your ways
And if you have
Called me by my name
Teach me your ways
Teach me your ways
And O, let your
Presence ever remain
Teach me your ways
Teach me your ways
I want to know you Lord
I want to see
Your glory and grace
And may your presence
Go with us
All of our days
O Lord, teach me your ways
O Lord, teach me your ways
(Repeat all)
O Lord, teach me your ways
O Lord, teach me your ways
O Lord, teach me your ways
O Lord, teach me your ways
O Lord, teach me your ways
O Lord, teach me your ways
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