Monday, August 15, 2016

- KISS THE SON - Christ is acknowledged as the unique Son of God. Psalm 2 is a lofty song of God's glory and the reign of his Anointed Son. There are those who make a pretense of kissing Christ but whose hearts have never bowed to his Omnipotence.

Kiss the Son

By David Woetzel, B.S

In this final exhortation of the Holy Spirit, concluding the fourth and final three-verse stanza of the psalm, Christ is again acknowledged as the unique Son of God. 
In Psalm 2:7, the Hebrew word is ben; here it is bar
These two Hebrew words are used to denote sonship. 
Some modern translations inexplicably change this command to read: “Kiss his feet.”
"Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little" (Psalm 2:12).
Psalm 2 is a lofty song of God's glory and the reign of his Anointed.
The Millennial kingdom is described in verse 9 as one in which Christ will reign with a rod of iron, dashing His enemies in pieces like a potter's vessel.
After laying that foundational message, the psalmist instructs the mighty of the earth to "Kiss the son."
What is the point of this instruction?
In the Middle East a kiss on the cheek signifies friendship and solidarity. But how could the kings and the judges of this world kiss a prophesied Messiah who was not yet born?
The answer is that this Son is the eternal Lord Himself. "Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee" (v.7).
It is worthy of note that the common Greek word for worship in the New Testament is proskuneo, which literally means "to kiss toward."
Many proudly refuse to kiss the humble carpenter of Nazareth.
Others respond like the sinful woman in Luke 7.
The Lord informed his Pharisee host, "Thou gavest me no kiss: but this woman since the time I came in hath not ceased to kiss my feet" (v.45).
However, there is a third category of people, those who make a pretense of kissing Christ but whose hearts have never bowed to his Omnipotence.
These follow in the footsteps of Judas who "drew near unto Jesus to kiss him" (Luke 22:47).
But Christ saw through his deception and asked, "Judas betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?" (v.48). Judas kissed the door to heaven and within a few short hours dropped into hell.
What is our response to the command: "Kiss the Son?"
Will we pass by in pride, put on a false show of friendship, or truly repent and humble ourselves in love for the Son of God?
Are you struggling with a big decision or wondering how your eternal future will play out?
Why not talk to the God of the universe and let Him work in your behalf?
He says, “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you" (Psalm 32:8).
Ask God to show you what to do. Pray the following prayer:
“Heavenly Father,
I admit that I am a sinner and my sins have separated me from You. I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and begin a new life with You.
Please forgive me. I now receive your Son, Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Master and my Lord. I believe and confess that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose from the dead.
I want to receive all that Jesus Christ has provided for me as my Savior. Your Word says, ‘Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved’ (Romans 10:13).
I believe and confess that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man comes unto the Father, but by Him.
Lord Jesus, I pray and ask You, to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I thank You that you have given me eternal life, and according to Your Word, I am born again.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit that is in me now. I surrender my life to You.
Use me for Your glory.
In Jesus Name. Amen.”

What is ‘Soaking Worship? 

What are hymns? What is the value of hymns in worship? 


Heaven’s Thrilling, All-Encompassing Worship 
      “I Bow My Knee”      

            Ron Kenoly


I bow my knee before Your throne
I know my life is not my own
I offer up this song of praise
To bring You pleasure Lord

I seek the Giver not the gift
My heart's desire is to lift Him
High above all earthly kings
To bring You pleasure, Lord

Glory to the King

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