Monday, July 24, 2017

HUNGER AND THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS - “Hunger and thirst” is a metaphor that doesn’t resonate today as it did in Jesus’ day, when food and water were scarce and people were often hungry and thirsty. In our culture, food and water are plentiful, so we miss the urgency Jesus intended. Hungry, thirsty people work hard, urgently, to gain food. To hunger and thirst for righteousness, then, means we should urgently pursue righteousness.

Hunger And Thirst 

Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

by Dan Doriani 

The first four beatitudes all describe the needs of a disciple. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” is the last in the series (Matthew 5:3–6).

Jesus first said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (verse 3).

To be “poor in spirit” is to know one’s spiritual neediness and dependence on God (Psalm 34:6Zephaniah 3:12).

This beatitude leads to the second.

The “poor in spirit”… mourn” their poverty (Matthew 5:4).

They mourn”  their own sin first, then mourn”  all sin.

This is a blessed mourning, since God will comfort those who mourn” over sin. 

Psalm 119:136 says, “My eyes shed streams of tears, because people do not keep your law.” 

James also calls for mourning. “Cleanse your hands, you sinners. … Mourn and weep” (James 4:8–9).

The second beatitude leads to the third: those who know their spiritual poverty and mourn it will be meek.

To be meek is the opposite of arrogance, jealousy, and selfish ambition (2 Corinthians 10:1James 3:13–141 Peter 3:15–16).

Meekness contrasts with the self-assertion that is born of selfishness. Because the meek know their spiritual poverty and mourn it, they refuse to exalt themselves.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” is then the pivotal beatitude (Matthew 5:6).

If disciples know their sin and weakness, they will also ask God to meet their need for righteousness.

“Hunger and thirst” is a metaphor that doesn’t resonate today as it did in Jesus’ day, when food and water were scarce and people were often hungry and thirsty.

In our culture, food and water are plentiful, so we miss the urgency Jesus intended.

Hungry, thirsty people work hard, urgently, to gain food.

To hunger and thirst for righteousness, then, means we should urgently pursue righteousness.

“Righteousness” has several senses in Scripture.

Paul emphasized the legal righteousness that we receive through the atoning work of Christ.

That is certainly present in Matthew. He calls Jesus a “ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).

And he describes the atonement itself (Matthew 27:38–46).

But in Matthew 5, Jesus primarily describes the personal righteousness of disciples, who put aside murder, anger, and adultery.

They give to oppressors and love their enemies (verses 22–48).

Thirsty disciples also pursue the mercy, purity, and peacemaking of the next few beatitudes (verses 7–9).

The language of hunger and thirst is well known in Scripture.

God says, “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! … You will delight in the richest of fare” (Isaiah 55:1–2).

Jesus offers, “Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” (John 6:35).

To hunger for righteousness is to yearn for God’s rule in our lives (Matthew 6:33).

It is to have a thirst for God’s Word and for the company of the godly.

In Scripture, righteousness has several aspects.

First, there is the personal righteousness, which we just stressed. This hunger leads us to uproot our sin by the power of the Holy Spirit and be-come more like Jesus. This 
is sanctification.

But since our quest for righteousness always falls short, we think next of the righteousness of Christ, bestowed when we believe in Him. This is justification.

Justification confers legal righteousness, so believers can stand before God the Judge on the last day.

Justification wipes away all sin and guilt, whatever our level of sanctification.

Third, disciples long for social righteousness, for God’s cleansing of society.

Hunger for righteousness leads disciples to promote God’s cause in business, education, politics, and more.

Further, we look to the day of Jesus’ return, when He will set creation right, Satan will be overthrown, and God’s righteousness will cover the earth.

Dear reader, do you hunger for righteousness? Do you pursue holiness? Personally? In society?

Or are you satisfied with a nibble of righteousness—a few moments of justice and love?

Do you have a passionless routine, a dull, dutiful life, where you fit in and drift along, with the years passing like a lazy summer day?

Real disciples yearn for God’s righteousness and pursue it. I hope you do, and so reach for the righteousness of our Lord.

What will you say when you stand before God?

Jesus taught that good people don’t go to heaven because their pride keeps them from admitting their need for a Savior.

The only ones who go to heaven are those who see their sinfulness before a holy God and cry out to Him for mercy.

Are you hoping to get into heaven by your goodness?

Jesus did not call “the righteous”!

Your hope must be in God’s grace and mercy toward sinners through Jesus Christ.

Express your trust in Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for you.

Why not receive God's gift of salvation and become His child?

Open your heart and say this prayer:
“Father God, I confess I am a sinner and my sins have separated me from You.
I am truly sorry. I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and live a new life pleasing to You. I receive Your free gift of salvation.
Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again.
I believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer.
I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Thank You that according to Your Word, I am now born again, has eternal life, and I am now Your child.
Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. I promise to study Your Word - the Bible.
Use me for Your glory.
In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.”
If you have just put your trust in Jesus Christ, you have been born into God’s family. 
As a spiritual baby, you need to grow by feeding on God’s Word – the Bible (1 Peter 2:2). 
You must have a good modern translation Bible and begin prayerfully reading it. Start in the New Testament, such as the Gospel of John or Paul’s letters to the Ephesians. 
As you read, ask two questions: “What are You, Lord?” “What do You want me to do?” 
Also, you need to join a Christian fellowship where the Bible is taught and where God is truly worshiped. 
God bless you as you begin your new life with Him! 
"WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved," (Romans 10:13).

The Great Exchange

Are You a Good Person?
All our righteousness are just filthy rags to Him 
The Power in the Blood of Jesus Christ
Oh, the Blood of Jesus

Author: Anonymous 



1 Oh, the blood of Jesus,
Oh, the blood of Jesus,
Oh, the blood of Jesus,
it must not suffer loss.

2 Oh, the word of Jesus,
Oh, the word of Jesus,
Oh, the word of Jesus,
it cleanses white as snow.

3 Oh, the love of Jesus,
Oh, the love of Jesus,
Oh, the love of Jesus,
it makes His body whole.

There is power, power, power, power,
Wonder working pow'r,
In the blood, in the blood, of the Lamb, of the Lamb,
There is power, power, power, power,
Wonder working pow'r,
In the precious blood of the Lamb.

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