Saturday, February 11, 2017

E. COLI CONTAMINATION IN TAP WATER - E. coli infection is normally caused by contaminated food such as undercooked meat, lettuce milk, dairy or juice. However it can also be found in drinking water. Infants, children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to viral and bacterial infections and it is highly recommended that they only drink water that has been purified.

E. Coli Contamination
Found In Tap Water
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a gram-negative bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms.
While some strains are harmless, others can cause severe food poisoning for humans.
E. coli infection is normally caused by contaminated food such as undercooked meat, lettuce milk, dairy or juice. However it can also be found in drinking water.
The truth is, anytime there is a natural disaster there is the possibility of E. coli contamination of tap water.
This is why you will always hear about boil water advisories from your local government after an earthquake, flood or hurricane.
Even sometime as common as a water main break can cause contamination of drinking water and the need for tap water disinfection.
Infants, children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to viral and bacterialinfections and it is highly recommended that they only drink water that has been purified.
The best way to protect yourself and your family from microbial concerns such as bacteria and viruses is to install a quality water filtration system in your home.
A proper water purifier should incorporate sediment, activated carbon, reverseosmosis and UV technologies to effectively remove harmful pathogens from the water.

Drinking Water Contaminants - 
Escherichia Coli, 
E. Coli.

Differences Between E. Coli & Salmonella





GS Series Submersible Pump



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