The Children's Crusade
We remind you of the so-called "Children's
Crusade," and what led up to it. We hasten to add there is no specific
lesson that we are trying to expound here. But we trust you will find much here
to reflect upon.
It Goes Way Back
In October 732, an invading army thundered across the heartland of Christian Europe.
In October 732, an invading army thundered across the heartland of Christian Europe.
Behind their leader, Abd-er-Rahman, two hundred thousand plundering
Moors, Persians, Berbers and Copts swept into Christendom unchecked, their
appetite for the delicious spoils of bountiful lands luring them ever
They swarmed across the Church's domain like the locusts of Egypt,
resolved that the Cross would bend to Islam.
To the north another storm was gathering and its
thunder rolled ominously through the nervous French countryside.
At the head of an opposing army roared Charles the Hammer, King of the
The hard-eyed Christian soldiers did not know it then, but the future of
a civilization would be determined in the battle to follow.
For hour upon hour the champions of two worlds
collided. In the end, Abd-er-Rahman lay dead and his vanquished cavalry routed.
The lands of modern France, Germany, and Italy had been saved.
Islam still controlled Spain, however, as well as all that had been
Christian in North Africa and the Middle East.
The sons of Mohammed retreated, only to prepare another invasion.
Defending the Faith
By the latter part of the eleventh century Islam's armies were poised to attack Europe's easternmost boundaries in modern Turkey.
By the latter part of the eleventh century Islam's armies were poised to attack Europe's easternmost boundaries in modern Turkey.
In addition, news abounded of Christian pilgrims suffering persecution
for their faith in Jerusalem.
In response, the Pope begged the kings and lords of his lands to rise,
yet again, in defense of the Faith.
So, in August, 1096, the armies of Christendom rallied to his call and
the knights of Europe stormed into the very heart of Palestine in their First
For three years the crusaders waged war until in
July 1099, Jerusalem was taken for the Church.
For generations to follow, however, Islam resisted the Crusaders
Finally, in 1187, the Muslims recaptured Jerusalem and gradually pressed
the Christian armies against Palestine's coast.
Fearing disaster, Pope Innocent III sounded the alarm, calling upon the
knights of Europe to rescue their brethren and to save the cause.
But his warriors were weary, and they hesitated.

Then, in the spring of 1212, the children of France and Germany heard the Pope's plea and began to stir.
Near Cloyes, France, a 15-year-old shepherd boy named Stephan announced
a vision in which he saw the children of Christendom part the Mediterranean Sea
and march, unopposed, through the opened gates of Jerusalem.
He proclaimed that an army of harmless children would win Jerusalem for
Christ by the power of their purity and innocence.
About the same time a ten-year-old German boy named Nicholas was heralding a similar message in the city of Cologne.
He, too, summoned an army of children to conquer Jerusalem and convert
all of Palestine from Islam to Christianity.

Thousands of children answered his call.
So by June, 1212, these unsuspecting lambs of
Europe began to gather in flocks to begin their pilgrimage southward.
In an environment where good works were believed by many to earn eternal
salvation and earthly blessing,
some fifty thousand children, or more, rallied in sincere submission to a God
in whose Hands they gladly placed their trust.
Many prepared to march without provisions so that their faith might be
proven pure and their utter dependency on an all-powerful God proven.
Their journey was called the "Children's
The extraordinary devotion of these children brings
a stunned pause to those of lesser commitment.
But not to be forgotten is the strange sacrifice of the parents who
released their beloved children with both blessing and tears.
Their offering must have been tortuous and the excruciating pain of
surrendering a child to the mysteries and dangers of this kind of pilgrimage
can hardly be imagined.
And what of other elders?
Incredibly, evil profiteers encouraged legions of
these young Isaacs toward their sorrows with an eye on their own imagined
earthly and eternal rewards.
In fairness it ought to be noted that Pope Innocent III offered no
public endorsement of this crusade, though the history of church support for
crusades generally must have contributed to the population’s enthusiasm.
Far from any known attempt to prevent this
unnecessary tragedy, he is recorded, instead, as having said, "These children put us to shame."
Others did declare their unwavering opposition to the crusade, arguing
that the Devil himself had deceived the people. Their words fell on deafened
Onward Children Soldiers
Amidst these mixed and confusing currents the child-crusaders formed their columns.
Amidst these mixed and confusing currents the child-crusaders formed their columns.
They looked quite different from the seasoned veterans who had marched
in the four previous crusades.

The chroniclers of the time report them as ranging in age from four to
seventeen and mostly of the peasant class.
Sprinkled among all of them were the misfits, the unhappy, the abused
and the unwanted.
We are told that Stephan's children followed him in
a long procession through central France, along the Rhone River near Lyons, and
through the magnificent countryside of Provence until they reached, at long
last, the port city of Marseilles.
It is recorded that Stephan became known as "The Prophet" and
rode in a fine wagon draped in red banners.
Along the way he enlarged his surging multitude by preaching and
prophesying with the self-proclaimed authority of Heaven itself.
After costly delay, a perplexed king of France finally ordered the
legions home, but Stephan and his followers refused.

These little crusaders marched both in a main column, consisting of many
thousands, as well as in countless numbers of small bands.
We are uncertain of their exact routes, but researchers generally agree
that the German children did not follow Nicholas exclusively.

Their sad path is obscured with even more of history's fog than that of
Nicholas', but it is believed they eventually wandered far from the Rhine and
into the treacherous landscape of eastern Switzerland.
They Never Got There
Details of the crusade's end are somewhat confused.
Details of the crusade's end are somewhat confused.
It seems that many of Stephan's French children died of hunger and
disease before ever reaching Marseilles.

Two ships sank, drowning all aboard. The remaining five sailed to North
Africa where the children were sold into slavery.
The Germans died by the tens of thousands in the Alps. Whether by
disease, starvation, exposure, or violence, few survived the journey.
Some arrived in Genoa where they faced a similar fate to their French
Others marched on to Rome, while yet other groups appeared on Italy’s
eastern coast where they drowned in more shipwrecks.
Today, a collapsing, unattended shrine marks the spot where the bodies
of these had floated back to shore.
Some of the children tried to find their way home. The chroniclers
report that many of these were attacked, beaten, and murdered for having failed
in their faith!
Nicholas' father was ultimately hung in Cologne by the outraged parents
of his son's followers.
The suffering of these crusaders and the gripping
ironies of their misadventure give us much to ponder.
Their crusade was such a horrible calamity that it seems history itself
has kept it almost a secret.
But no matter how they suffered, these brave little warriors bore their
adversities with a stubborn devotion that still amazes us.
And, as discomforting as their story is, can their journey be a compass
for us to the gates of better understanding?
The questions their crusade raise need to be faced as fearlessly as they
faced the daunting Alps: What is the nature of true Faith?
How does God use suffering in the lives of His people?
What can we expect from God in this troubled world?
Whose side is God on in the midst of a "Holy War"?
And there are other urgent, painful political questions raised. Don't we
all know that all too well?

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