Saturday, July 9, 2016

ISIS Video Shows Child Soldiers Executing ‘Spies’ - Five of the boys execute five “spies” hidden in various places. The sixth boy, with the high voice, sets down the pistol and takes out a knife. He then beheads the last man.

New ISIS Video Shows Child Soldiers Executing ‘Spies’

A new video purportedly released by the Islamic State titled “To the Sons of Jews” shows six boy jihadists in Syria directed through an obstacle course where alleged spies are hidden for execution.
The first five “spies” are executed by gunshot, while the last is beheaded. The video is alleged to have been filmed in “Wilayat al-Khayr,” Syria, which was known as the Deir ez-Zor Governorate before it was occupied by Daesh.
This is a developing story and we are actively trying to translate the dialogue and the names of the murdered victims. Stay tuned for updates. Screenshots from the video can be viewed here.                                                                   The video begins with showing various images of Israel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu. It then cuts to footage of students studying the Quran outside, when six students are called from the class a la Hunger Games. The six boys are introduced, with the last boy’s voice high enough to be a girl’s.                                                                                                         The scene cuts to outside of an ancient ruin, somewhere in Deir ez-Zor, Syria. The six boys, now dressed in camouflage, are guided one-by-one by their Islamist militant teachers through the cavernous and decrepit citadel while brandishing pistols.                                                                                                                    Five of the boys then execute five “spies” hidden in various places. The sixth boy, with the high voice, sets down the pistol and takes out a knife.                                                                                                                                                                                         He then beheads the last man.                                                                                                                                                         The video is extremely disturbing because of the children’s ages in it and the way it is filmed. The whole feel of the video is that of a high-tech, futuristic, first person shooter video game with multiple camera angles. Popup insets with victim’s information right before they are executed helps to concrete this unearthly vibe.                                                                                                                  Daesh is most likely using it to appeal to impressionable young recruits.                                                                                                                                                                                             The video comes just a day after ISIS released another video showing the beheading of an alleged Russian spy.                                                                                                                       RELATED POSTS:
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