Saturday, July 9, 2016

Islamic State's brothels in Syria, are being managed by top British female jihadists, who are tasked with the duties to maintain the IS's brothels and discipline the women. The Islamic State had appointed several British female jihadists into the al-Khanssaa brigade, which is an ultra-religious police force that punishes women for un-Islamic behaviour.

Aqsa Mahmood, a 20-year-old woman from Glasgow,
has been made a key-member in the al-Khanssaa brigade 
British Female Jihadists in Charge of Islamic State's Brothels in Syria
Thousands of kidnapped Yazidi women, held in the Islamic State's brothels in Syria, are being managed by top British female jihadists, who are tasked with the duties to maintain the IS's brothels and discipline the women.

Thousands of kidnapped Yazidi women, held in the Islamic State's brothels in Syria, are being managed by top British female jihadists, who are tasked with the duties to maintain the IS's brothels and discipline the women.
In a shocking revelation, The Mirror reported that British female jihadists have been tasked to look after the girls captured from the Yazidi tribes. These kidnapped girls are being used as sex slaves by Islamic State fighters and they can do as they please with them.
The British women handlers at IS brothels are part of the all-women al-Khanssaa Brigade in Raqqa, Syria. The report noted that at least 3,000 Yazidi women and girls have been brought in from Iraq to Raqqa in Syria to be used as sex slaves.
The atrocities and brutalities inflicted on kidnapped Yazidi women were highlighted recently by an escaped Yazidi teen. The 17-year-old, who recently escaped from the Islamic State militants, told a journalist from Italian paper La Repubblica that she suffered as a "sex slave".
The teen revealed that she and several other girls and women, aged between 13 and 30, were raped several times by different IS fighters.
Meanwhile, the involvement of the female British jihadists was revealed by The Telegraph recently. The report found that the Islamic State had appointed several British female jihadists into the al-Khanssaa brigade, which is an ultra-religious police force that punishes women for un-Islamic behaviour.
It noted that Aqsa Mahmood, a 20-year-old woman from Glasgow, has been made a key-member in the al-Khanssaa brigade.
But that is not all. The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR), based in King's College in London, told the daily that there were at least three more British women, who are part of the ultra religious all-women police force.
The ICSR found that there are 60 British women in total, who have joined the jihadists in Syria.
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