Friday, July 22, 2016

Pope Francis is now conceding Europe to Islam. Pope Francis equated Christianity to Islam, saying they both believed in conquest.

Pope Francis: Christianity And Islam The Same
Pope Francis is now conceding Europe to Islam.
Speaking to the French newspaper La Croix this week, Francis equated Christianity to Islam, saying they both believed in conquest. Francis said, “It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same idea of conquest.”
Of course, Jesus didn’t exactly tell his disciples to kill the infidels, but let’s not get picky.
Francis has been ignoring the practical realities of Europe absorbing thousands of Muslim migrants for some time; just recently, in April, he visited the Greek isle of Lesbos, then returned to Rome with a dozen Syrian refugees. He pontificated in Lesbos, “May all of our brothers and sisters on this continent, like the good Samaritan, come to your aid in the spirit of fraternity, solidarity and respect for human dignity,”
In the interview, Francis ignored the threat posed by the massive influx of migrants, intoning:
When I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the tone, which can seem triumphalist or even vengeful. It then takes on colonialist overtones … Yes, Europe has Christian roots and it is Christianity’s responsibility to water those roots. But this must be done in a spirit of service as in the washing of the feet. Christianity’s duty to Europe is one of service. As Erich Przywara, the great master of Romano Guardini and Hans Urs von Balthasar, teaches us, Christianity’s contribution to a culture is that of Christ in the washing of the feet. In other words, service and the gift of life. It must not become a colonial enterprise.
Francis’ denial of Christianity’s mission to actively evangelize, albeit peacefully, is a betrayal of Christianity’s mission, and fits comfortably with his efforts to emasculate the faith, substituting the centrality of class warfare for moral rectitude and strength.
Sure enough, instead of blaming the massacre of Christians by Muslims on anything connected with the Islamic faith, Francis utilized the time-honored leftist mantra of crime being precipitated by poverty: "In Brussels, the terrorists were Belgians, children of migrants, but they grew up in a ghetto.”
Asked what caused Islamic fanaticism, Francis doubled down on his perspective that poverty, not religion, caused the barbaric Islamic attacks, then segued into his usual condemnation of the free market system:  
The initial problems are the wars in the Middle East and in Africa as well as the underdevelopment of the African continent, which causes hunger. If there are wars, it is because there exist arms manufacturers – which can be justified for defensive purposes – and above all arms traffickers. If there is so much unemployment, it is because of a lack of investment capable of providing employment, of which Africa has such a great need. More generally, this raises the question of a world economic system that has descended into the idolatry of money. The great majority of humanity’s wealth has fallen into the hands of a minority of the population. A completely free market does not work. Markets in themselves are good but they also require a fulcrum, a third party, or a state to monitor and balance them. In other words, [what is needed is] a social market economy.
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