Sunday, July 10, 2016

- DON'T LISTEN TO JOB'S WIFE - Joni Eareckson Tada - As far as I was concerned, mine were the trials of Job. I could not face living life as a quadriplegic. It was so overwhelming, it was so scary.

Don't Listen to Job's Wife
Hi, this is Joni Eareckson Tada and welcome to Joni and Friends.
You know, when I was first injured and only just beginning to realize that my paralysis was permanent, I remember identifying – and I mean really identifying – with Job.
As far as I was concerned, mine were the trials of Job. I could not face living life as a quadriplegic. It was so overwhelming, it was so scary.
Actually, the idea terrified me. Somewhere in those early days, I came across Job 2:9 where it says that, “Job’s wife said to him ‘...Curse God and die!’”

And I’m going to tell you what, that sounded very tempting.
‘Cause there were nights that I would actually toy with that idea. Many dark nights in the hospital when, in my mind, I would tiptoe as close to that edge, as near to cursing God as I dared get. I felt like I just had to take my frustration out on somebody... and not just anybody... but somebody who was somehow responsible. 
Oh sure, sure, I knew I was responsible for taking the stupid dive into the shallow water in the first place, but I mean a bigger responsibility, a cosmic one, like “God, You could have prevented this, but You didn’t.”
So I was tempted to listen to the advice of Job’s wife – if I couldn’t live without use of my hands or legs then, hey, why not just curse God and die!
But I was never quite able to do that. I knew if I did, if I actually cursed God, it would be the end of hope. It would mean the absolute closing of the door on any hopeful future.
I knew that if I were to turn my back on God for my circumstances, I knew I’d be committing spiritual suicide… and not just spiritual, but emotional suicide. I would be cutting myself off from what I knew – way down deep I knew – was the source of every good and happy and hopeful thing.
To turn my back on God would be to turn my back on myself. It would be the death of my heart and my soul.
So somewhere shortly after realizing this, I prayed a prayer in the dark, and I said, “God if I can’t die, then please show me how to live.”
No longer was it curse God and die... it was now praise God and live.
Do a spiritual about-face.
Believe that joy really would come in the morning. That God really did have hopeful plans for me for a hopeful future. I decided to follow the One who had the only words of life ... Jesus, the Prince of Life, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, 
the resurrection and the life.
Most of all, Jesus, the Lord of all hope... the Blessed Hope, as it says elsewhere in the Bible.
Friend, I don’t know what you’re struggling with today, but perhaps you feel “that’s it, I can’t go on like this.”
You want somebody to pay. Well, please know that somebody did pay. Jesus paid the ultimate price... He bore the curse... and He died. And He did it all so that you... so that you and I could live... and live with hope.
And once again, let me remind you of our website. Come by and visit us at any time. It’s
Miracles are certainly part of the vast provision that God has made available for you.
Whether a miracle occurs instantaneously or by process of time, God does heal yesterday, today, and forever!
Talk to the God of the universe and let Him work in your behalf.
He says, “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you" (Psalm 32:8).
Ask God to show you what to do. Pray the following prayer:  
“Heavenly Father,
I admit that I am a sinner and my sins have separated me from You. I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and begin a new life with You. Please forgive me.
You know the situation I am in right now. I lay everything at Your feet, fully believing that You are in control.
I now receive your Son, Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Master and my Lord. I believe and confess that Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried, and rose from the dead.
I want to receive all that Jesus Christ has provided for me as my Savior. Your Word says, ‘Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’ (Romans 10:13).
I believe and confess that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no man comes unto the Father, but by Him.
Lord Jesus, I pray and ask You, to come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I thank You that you have given me eternal life. I take Your promise that by Your stripes I am healed.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit that is in me now. Thank You that Your Word says I am born again. I promise to study Your Word - the Bible.
I surrender my life to You.
Use me for Your glory.
In Jesus Name. Amen.”

How to Pray When Life Falls Apart
A Word of Hope for Your Darkest Days

Impossible Circumstances Are Where God’s Glory Shines the Brightest
“Beautiful Savior”                                         
   Joseph Augustus Seiss    

1 Beautiful Savior, King of creation, 
Son of God and Son of Man! 
Truly I'd love Thee, truly I'd serve thee, 
Light of my soul, my Joy, my Crown. 
2 Fair are the meadows, Fair are the woodlands, 
Robed in flow'rs of blooming spring; 
Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer; 
He makes our sorr'wing spirit sing. 
3 Fair is the sunshine, Fair is the moonlight, 
Bright the sparkling stars on high; 
Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer 
Than all the angels in the sky. 
4 Beautiful Savior, Lord of the nations,
Son of God and Son of Man! 
Glory and honor, Praise, adoration, 
Now and forevermore be Thine!    

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